Monday, September 7, 2009

Bullet Comes Home

He's here; fleas, skunky puppy breath and all.

Bullet came home last Thursday and hasn't stopped moving since. Well, that's not exactly true. He comes with a pretty set schedule in a fairly constant cycle. He wakes up, you take him outside to do his thing. Then on his way back in, he eats, attacks his toys, chews on your fingers, toes, and generally any ticklish little fatty piece of skin he can get his little teeth into, and keeps us pretty busy for about a half hour, and then he's out again, and the cycle continues.

This is pretty convenient for the most part, except for when he starts to perk up about the same time you're thinking about heading to bed. Then you know you've got about 45 minutes minimum before you get to sleep. While he's awake though, he also enjoys climbing through the table legs, climbing people just to chew their ears, and long walks on the computer. (all by himself, he just renamed the "My Computer" icon under the START menu, which is now called, "2ww 6e". No lie.) Who knows? He probably thinks if this is his blog, He's gonna write it...


  1. Good Morning Bullet -

    Grandma called you yesterday to see how you were, but your mom never called back. Once you have mastered the computer, maybe I will get you a cell phone - because I bet you would answer it and talk with me. I hope your first day home alone isn't too scary. You are a very cute puppy - be good.

  2. OMG, Sherri he is so cute! Val sent me a link to your blog so I could see Bullet - what a great name. The pic of him lying on his back us adorable. They steal your heart don't they?

    xxxooo Val's Mom

  3. I would say you have had a few successful days, Bullet...given your eyes haven't fallen out yet. hehe.
    love, your aunt Lora

  4. Dearest Bullett,
    You are very cute!!! I am in love with your cuteness but am secretly glad i don't have to listen to you howl when you don't want to go to bed. Hopefully you grow out of that very quickly so your mom can get some sleep at night.
