Sunday, October 4, 2009


My excuse for the first week and a half of deliquency: laziness
Excuse for the rest of the time of blog deliquency: some virus ATE Bullet's computer.
Typically, Bullet is the only thing eating "his" computer (see the first post). So as Bullet and I sat down today to resolve our deliquency on the work computer, we discovered one thing: no SD card slot. No SD card = no pictures/videos. Let's be honest, nobody reads these things anyways, you all simply scan for new pictures. So for all you picture-blog "readers", sorry about your continuing disappointment. Your patience will have to continue...

Just to keep you updated on our growing Bullet, here is his current top 10 activities list:
10. Peeing outside (He can "go" once every 20 minutes or so as long as a treat is involved)
9. Eating the underside of the ottoman and coughing it up.
8. Pulling Joel's socks victoriously out of the dirty laundry pile.
7. Jumping with a 79% success rate from the couch to the chair.
6. Devouring treats (p-nut butter treats, milk bones, p-nut butter in his kong, & I believe he even had a taste of gorgonzola cheese)
5. Running into the ditch outside and attacking any and every plant along the way.
4. Sleeping.
3. Playing "catch" with his mini tennis ball. (Yes, he can get it in his mouth and bring it back to you... video to follow)
2. Being dragged down the driveway from getting the mail due to his death grip bite on my pants.
1. Crying and giving "sad eyes" (aka his all-the-time-eyes) until he pick him up to sit by you.

You'll be the first to know when we're back to a virus-free-SD-card-holding computer status.

Oh, and by the way, Bullet is pretty upset about this...

I mean, seriously. He tells me He'd like to eat Dantonio's shoes and poop them on that big "S" in the middle of Spartan stadium.


  1. Well I am so glad we are back in blog world, I missed hearing about bullets adventures!!!

  2. I love Bullet and can't wait to meet him! He is very ambitious to be having his own bad you are cheering for the wrong team Bullet...Go GREEN!
    - Michelle Vermeulen

  3. Bullet -

    I say broaden your worldview and cheer for the green and the blue!

  4. It's good to know Bullet is acting like a typical puppy. Can't wait to see some more pics.

  5. i would just like to say that I am not sure your apology for delinquency was sincere...I see you have fallen back to your old ways in not updating again....

    haha--just kidding. I know you are super busy. as we all are.

    had fun playing with you, Bullet. next time i will give you a treat once i find out where your mom & dad keep them!

    Love you all.
